In Elizabethan slang, the term “”to die”” meant to have an orgasm. This double entendre was often used by John Donne and William Shakespeare.
Henry Ford did not invent the automobile. It was the invention of several 19th-century engineers, paramount among them being two Germans, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz. What Ford did well was mass-produce automobiles and provide cheap service for them.
Twenty minutes before the pain of a migraine headache begins, many sufferers experience a phenomenon called the aura. During this time, the sufferer may see intense colors, flashing lights, or even monsters and apparitions. Lewis Carroll, a migraine victim most of his life, is supposed to have taken some of his characters for Alice in Wonderland from the apparitions he saw before migraine attacks.
Only female bees work. Males remain in the hive and literally do nothing, their only mission in life being to fertilize the queen bee on her maiden flight. For this purpose, literally thousands of males are hatched, out of which only one or two mate with the queen. After they have served their function, the males are not allowed back into the hive but are left outside, where they starve to death.
A marine catfish can taste with any part of its body. The female marine catfish hatches her eggs in her mouth.
The first macaroni factory in the United States was established in 1848 by Antoine Zegera in Brooklyn, N.Y.
King Kong, as seen in the original eponymous movie, was actually a model 18 inches high.
Cello and saxophone players, as of 1975, could join the Marine Corps and play in the band without taking basic training.
There is no evidence that Adolf Hitler was a paperhanger. A paperhanger is a person who “”passes bad checks,”” according to the American Heritage Dictionary.
An egg will float if placed in water to which sugar has been added.