Gripe of the Week
Barry Bonds. The announcement on Tuesday of even more proof that the MLB star used tons of steroids wasn’t really necessary for me, but I hope it’s a wakeup call to the part of the world that still uses “”allegedly”” when talking about the enhanced slugger. Bonds started using steroids because he was jealous of the attention that Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were getting as they chased Roger Maris’ single-season home-run record, and he wanted to maintain a Hulk Hogan-like physique. Baseball is a game of statistics and history, and his accomplishments should be erased as much as possible. Let’s root against the cheat as hard as possible, and when the Giants come to Tucson for spring training, make sure to bring clever signs that hurt his feelings. Together, we will crush his spirit!
We won’t forget “”Brokeback,”” thanks to the hilarious videos that keep popping up. The only funny one I’ve seen so far is the He-Man and Man-at-Arms spoof, “”Brokeback Snake Mountain.”” A perfect canvas to work with, “”He-Man”” was full of homoerotic action and muscular shirtless men. Check it out on
Joe Rogan, one of the more mature comics on the scene, has posted an e-mail exchange between him and a non-fan on his MySpace page. In it, the non-fan first e-mails telling him he is “”not funny.”” I get these kinds of e-mails every week and choose to ignore them, but Rogan decides to write back, over and over again. Rogan brags that he is a multimillionaire, while the kid hopes the comedian enjoys balding. Rogan continues by calling the kid fat many times.
Quickly becoming one of the best sources of new music on the Internet, MySpace is hosting the new single for The Stills, “”In The Beginning.”” The band’s last album, Logic Will Break Your Heart, was a perfectly executed indie-rock record, and the new single shows The Stills traveling down the same road. While it’d be nice to see the band get away from its straight-ahead approach, we all saw what happened when the Strokes messed with success: “”Juicebox.””
Yes, I’m upset about “”Crash”” winning Best Picture. No I’m not going to write about it, mostly because I get weepy when I remember the moment. Instead, let’s celebrate the fact that Coachella just got a whole lot more interesting, with Madonna added to the lineup for the dance tent on April 30. A great excuse to skip Tool means that I’m once again considering shelling out the $165 for both days.
“”Obviously someone wants to hurt me and doesn’t want me to be successful in my solo career,””
-former Creed singer Scott Stapp about someone trying to release the sex tape he made with Kid Rock. $10 says that Stapp released the tape himself as a publicity stunt. Although, better make it $5 so Scotty boy still has enough for a final two 40-ounces of Steel Reserve: one to drink and one to pour out for his lost career.
Random Review
I’m not sure why Jon Stewart is getting such negative reviews for his hosting at the Academy Awards. I thought he could have been better, but he was solid throughout.
And I’ve never laughed harder watching the Oscars than I did during those phony campaign commercials, with an assist from Stephen Colbert.
I also watched the Independent Spirit Awards on Saturday, with Sarah Silverman as host. Since it was on cable, she had a little more freedom and worked the crowd nicely. Check out clips from both hosts on and judge for yourself.