“”Jena 6: Hate Crimes in the World Today.””
This open forum will provide a place for students to discuss the Jena 6 situation and race hatred in society. Free. 12:30-1:30 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Center
‘Monster’ black hole found
Astronomers have discovered the biggest black hole to date, a void in space that is 15.65 times the size of our Sun. The giant is located in the spiral-shaped galaxy Messier 33.
UA authors talk about works
American Indian Studies presents faculty authors Tom Holm and Nancy Parezo, who will discuss their respective books, “”Anthropology Goes to the Fair: The 1904 Louisiana Exposition”” and “”Code Talkers and Warriors: Native Americans and World War II.”” 5-6:30 p.m. UofA Bookstore, lower level