• Today’s average U.S. household contains more computer power than existed in the world before 1965.
• The average desktop computer contains five to 10 times more computing power than was used to land a man on the moon.
• The Academy Award statue is named after a librarian’s uncle. One day Margaret Herrick, librarian for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, remarked that the statue looked like her uncle Oscar — the name stuck.
• Anise is the scent on the artificial rabbit that is used in greyhound races.
• Most cows produce more milk when they listen to music.
• The onion is actually a lily.
• Roses cut in the afternoon last longer than ones cut in the morning.
• The moon is one million times drier than the Gobi Desert.
• The embryos of tiger sharks fight each other while in their mother’s womb, the survivor being the baby shark that is born.