Blood drive. Alpha Epsilon Delta is hosting a United Blood Services blood drive. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. Cherry pullout
Hygiene for Humanity. The Student Association for International Relief Effort (SAFIRE) will be on campus today accepting donations and hygiene products to benefit the nation of Sri Lanka as it still attempts to recover from the devastating effects of the 2004 tsunami. You can contact SAFIRE through Neha Datta at All day. Numerous locations on campus
Resume writing workshop. This workshop provides information regarding composing a professional resume. 11 a.m. Free. Student Union Memorial Center, Room 411
Lecture. “”Unique Insights to the Earth’s Climate History Preserved in Its Cryosphere”” will be presented by Ellen Mosley-Thompson, who is part of the Byrd Polar Research Center from the Ohio State University geography department. 3:30 p.m. Free. SUMC, Tucson Room
Colloquium. J. Scott Tyo, associate professor in the College of Optical Sciences at the UA, presents “”Sensing Higher Order Image Information At the Focal Plane Array.”” 3:30 p.m. Free. Meinel Optical Sciences building West Wing, Room 307
Seminar. “”Status of Insect, Bird and Bat Pollinators in North America (U.S.A., Canada, Mexico): Results of a National Academy of Sciences Study”” will be presented by Stephen L. Buchmann. 4 p.m. Free. Marley building, Room 230
Lecture. “”The Aerial Elegance of Foraging Dragonflies: From Neurons to Behavior”” will be presented by Professor Robert M. Olberg Ph.D, Department of Biological Sciences at Union College. 4 p.m. Free. BioSciences West building, Room 301
Performance. The UA Wind Ensemble will be performing with the Great Southwest Flute Fest. 7:30 p.m. $5-$11. UA School of Music, Crowder Hall
Movie. The movie “”Happy Feet”” will be shown twice on campus. 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. $3. Gallagher Theater
Exhibit. A number of works by students completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in May will be shown. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. SUMC, Union Gallery