Letters to the Editor
An ‘Amendment’ to the argument
This letter is in response to the letter written on Tuesday, Feb. 23, entitled “”Federalism?”” The writer fails to recognize that states are sovereign only to a certain degree. Their rights as a sovereign government extend only as so far that they do not supersede the federal constitution.
While the 10th Amendment does protect the states from an overreaching federal government, it does not allow the states to rule with absolute freedom. The states are subject to the authority of the federal government and all of its laws and regulations, which implies that the states are an entity of the federal government.
With this in mind, a state may not break any portion of the federal constitution or it will be subject to the courts of this nation. By allowing a copy of the Ten Commandments to be placed in front of a state capitol, the federal constitution is broken. The establishment clause prohibits any religion from being promoted, which the Ten Commandments most certainly do.
No matter what the 10th Amendment says, the states are subject to the federal constitution.
Zachary Weinstein
Biochemistry freshman
Chicken in advocate’s clothing
Laura Donovan’s Wednesday article on Arizona Public Interest Research Group’s campaign to raise a new student fee is a timely look at a tricky organization.
PIRG’s vague promise of “”social change”” might sound nice, but don’t think for a minute that these chicken-suited petition passers will work in your interest. In fact, the group has a terrible track record when it comes to real student advocacy. At other colleges with mandatory fees, PIRG has funneled mandatory fee money away from students to off-campus organizers. The organization’s national leadership busted a budding union in its Los Angeles offices in 2006, and currently faces a class-action lawsuit for failing to pay its employees.
But most important, students simply should not pay mandatory fees to support political activism with which they may disagree.
Sure, PIRG is “”nonpartisan.”” But would you vote for a mandatory fee paid by all students and donated by default to the nonpartisan, nonprofit National Rifle Association? How about the left-wing organizers at ACORN or the libertarian Cato Institute? All these organizations are nonpartisan nonprofits. None of them are apolitical.
This fee is no different: A mandatory student contribution to PIRG is a forced contribution to support political action. Students soundly rejected PIRG’s rent-seeking in last year’s election. I hope they’ll have the sense to do so again.
Connor Mendenhall
Economics senior
Comments from dailywildcat.com
On ‘Tuition may go up more than $2K,’ Feb. 24
I’m always seeing new buildings popping up, etc. There are plenty of houses that have been bought up by the UA for seemingly meaningless programs. Why not cut those and sell the properties? Real estate close to the UA has not seen the huge depreciation like other areas. At least I graduate in December …
J. Tom
On ‘America: A nation divided,’ Feb. 24
So basically, because I disagree with Obama, that automatically makes me a racist? That’s what I got from this article.
Kevin W.
This is a great article, really thought-provoking. I agree with your point of view, Jan.
On ‘Chris Brown’s penance still unpaid,’ Feb. 24
Thank you Zachary! I finally found an article that shares my perspective on this ordeal. I received such a hard time from friends when this first happened because I would refuse to listen to the guy. I was so outraged that my own girlfriends would scoff at me for turning down the music or changing the station when a song by him would come on the radio. Thankfully, I’ve never been a victim of physical abuse. However, this does not mean that I should turn a blind eye to this very real and very ugly act that happens to millions of young women everyday. “”What will that same black eye cost you?”” Think about it!
M. Natalie Contreras
On ‘Wildcats’ frustrations grow,’ Feb. 24
Hate me for saying this all you want, but I’m prepared to accept the reality of the streak ending. North Carolina’s streak had to end and ours will too. Why not just end it now, deal with the pain, get over it and start fresh in a new era? The streak was Lute’s era. The Lute era is over. We’re in the Sean Miller era. Yes, it will be painful to see NIT stop standing for ‘Never in Tucson’ but the NIT is better than no post-season at all. Look what Oregon State did this year after winning the CBI last year. We’re just going to have to take what we can get.
Kevin W.
How did U of A let Josh Pastner go?
John from NY
No Sir is right. Streak is still a go until we see otherwise. Season ain’t over yet!