By the time you reach college, classroom etiquette should be second nature. There are basic rules of decency and respect that are constantly thrown out the window on campus. So, for those of you who think no one notices when you’re being rude and lazy, they do. Read the following and see if you fall into one of these categories. If you do, you’re embarrassing and you make people want to throw things at you.
1.There is such a thing as a stupid question. Yes, they lied to you when you were a child. Sitting at a computer asking where the on button is, not knowing what SB1070 is or asking for the definition of “dictate” are all statements that have been uttered in a UA classroom. Take a breath, ask yourself if this is something you should know, and then politely whisper the question to your neighbor. Don’t stick your hand in the air and make everyone question the UA’s admissions standards.
2.No one cares about your personal problems. If your mom’s dog’s groomer broke her finger and you have to take her to surgery on the day of a test, fine. Ask the professor before or after class. Don’t raise your hand when your teacher asks for questions and start telling him or her about your family history and force your classmates to sit there bored, waiting to be dismissed. Ask yourself: Does this affect anyone except me? If no, then one-on-one it, and let us get out 10 minutes early.
3. Don’t eat. Chewy, drippy, crunchy foods are distracting. Small snacks can be tolerable, but don’t pull out an On Deck Deli sandwich packed with potato chips and chow down. This is class time, not mealtime. It’s unprofessional, rude and distracting for other students. Oh, and pungent foods? Get out.
4. Don’t make a spectacle of leaving. We’re all proud that you made it through the first month of school, but as the weather becomes nicer and air conditioning not as necessary, the temptation to ditch may be too great to ignore. If so, be prepared. Sit near the exit, have your stuff pre-packed, and don’t sit in the middle of the row. They say 80 percent of life is showing up. The other 20 percent is knowing when, and how, to make a good exit.
5. Whisper. If you just have to tell your friend something important (i.e. ask that dumb question), or maybe that hot girl next to you is talking to you for the first time, just be sneaky. People who talk, not whisper, but talk during class, are the rudest people imaginable. When the professor is trying to ignore you but eventually has to awkwardly ask you in front of all your classmates “Please be quiet,” you look like the asshole.
_— Michelle A. Monroe is a journalism senior. She can be reached at _