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Fast Facts
March 7, 2007
- The Anableps fish has four eyes: two to see underwater, two to see above the surface.
In Australia, the number one topping for pizza is eggs. In Chile, the favorite topping is mussels and clams. In the United States, it’s pepperoni.
A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate.
It costs more to buy a car today than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to the New World.
A Brink’s car guard was killed when $50,000 worth of quarters fell on and crushed him.
A regulation golf ball has 336 dimples.
Boxing rings are so called because they used to be round.
Two sports in which the team has to move backward to win are tug-of-war and rowing.
A manned rocket can reach the moon in less time than it took a stagecoach to travel the length of England.
The Siberian larch accounts for more than 20 percent of all the world’s trees.
It takes 24 hours for a tiny newborn swan to peck its way out of its shell.
The Pilgrims refused to eat lobsters because they thought they were really big insects.
Twinkie inventor Jimmy Dewar ate 40,177 Twinkies in his lifetime.