Why do you like being a Girl Scout?
It’s really fun and we do a lot of crafts. On Mondays, we do a different craft, and I like selling cookies.
What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
Thin Mints.
Those are the best ones! Do you have a boyfriend?
No. I wish I did.
Do you wish Justin Bieber was your Valentine?
No, he’s a toad!
What if he bought you a huge thing of chocolates for Valentine’s Day?
I would probably just take them. I would try and just be nice.
Yeah, because of your Girl Scout spirit. Are you a Hannah Montana fan?
No. I like Michael Jackson and Weird Al., his songs are really funny.
Favorite Michael Jackson song?
“”Dirty Diana.””
Mine too! Are you my little sister? What is your favorite thing to do aside from selling cookies?
Paint, I love painting and drawing and making crafts.
What do you want to be when you grow-up?
I want to be an artist.