Kyira Hankton heard about open positions during one of ASUA President Emily Fritze’s campus visits over the summer, and now she’s the diversity director.
Hankton, a veterinary science freshman, along with Reid Nelson, the newly appointed safety director and the new marketing director, William Chase Miller, all had previous experience in order to garner their positions, approved at Wednesday’s ASUA meeting.
“”What she’ll be doing is sitting in on a lot of university-wide committees speaking for students about issues of diversity,”” said Sen. Scott Rising, who works heavily on promoting diversity issues within senate.
He gushed about Hankton, something both Fritze’s chief of staff and most of ASUA echoed.
“”She’s amazing. I was like, ‘How did she even find out about this?’ She just came in there and had all these statistics about diversity and enrollment, just like really blew us away, and we’re really thrilled about having her,”” he said.
Hankton is excited to begin her position.
“”When I applied for this position, I was really nervous, I’m a freshman, and there’s so many people in ASUA and they are probably going to get the position before me, but it went really well. I showed them how much I wanted it,”” Hankton.
Sen. Chad Travis thinks his initiative to standardize clickers could affect students as soon as next semester. Currently 10 teachers mandate their over 6,000 students to utilize the four different clicker types on campus.
Sen. Rising’s sex education campaign kicked off with proposing to send 500 Trojan brand condoms around campus. If one condom was given to each incoming freshman, it would only reach about 6.7 percent of the freshman class.