Book Discussion. “”Fire and Steel: Finding Humor in Local History.”” Mary Ellen Barnes, author of “”Forged by Fire,”” and David Devine, who wrote “”Slavery, Scandal and Steel Rails”” will discuss some of the humorous stories they uncovered while researching their books, both of which were selected as top 10 picks by Southwest Books of the Year 2005. Noon. Student Union Memorial Center, UofA Bookstores
Seminar. “”Lobal Optimal Attitude Estimation using Uncertainty Ellipsoids.”” Part of the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering’s seminar series, speaker Dr. Amit Sanyal from Arizona State University will lead the discussion. 4 p.m. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Room S212.
Entomology Seminar. Carl Olson, associate curator, will speak on “”Bugs, Birds, and Beyond: A Partnership for Life.”” 4 p.m. Marley building, Room 230
Information Session. Information session for UA students interested in career opportunities and who meet specific criteria with E. & J. Gallo Winery. 6 p.m. SUMC, Suite 411
Movie. “”Elizabethtown.”” Show times at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Admission $3. SUMC, Gallagher Theater
Play. “”The Vagina Monologues”” by award winning playwright Eve Ensler. 7:30 p.m. Minimum Admission Donation: $8 Student / $10 General. Social Sciences building, Room 100
Poker. No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament. Come play in our casino style poker room to earn points for the Park Student Union Poker Ladder. 6 p.m. Admission $5. PSU Coati Poker Room
Music. Groovin’ on the grass from noon to 1 p.m. UA Mall
Olympics. Come watch the 2006 Winter Olympics on the big screen in Cellar. Nearly all the events will be on the big screen for your enjoyment. Noon to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. SUMC, Cellar