1. What is the name of the tool that a doctor uses to take your blood pressure?
2. Why do people say “”bless you”” when you sneeze?
3. What did U.S. gold coins used to say?
4. What does Hannibal Lecter never do in “”Silence of the Lambs?””
5. Where is a shrimp’s heart?
6. What’s the only country that doesn’t have a rectangular flag?
7. Who are the only angels named in The Bible?
8. Who was the first U.S. president to be born in a hospital?
1. A sphygmomanometer. 2. Your heart stops beating for a second. 3. “”In God We Trust””. 4. Blink. 5. In its head. 6. Nepal. 7. Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. 8. Jimmy Carter.