Each week, the Daily Wildcat will chat with people on campus about Arizona and national sports.
Daily Wildcat: Are you Arizona sports fans at all?
Edella Schlager: I am. I’ve been here long enough, just over 20 years. So I do pay attention to Arizona sports.
Jeff Hanlon: Yeah, I just got here last year though so I’m not a big fan yet but I have been to some games. I think I just like college football and basketball and this is definitely a great school for it.
Have you attended a football game recently Dr. Shlager?
Schlager: I attended the UCLA game on Thursday. I was on the south end zone.
What did you think of the events that broke out? Was there a sense of disappointment?
Schlager: It was entertaining to watch at first and then it was distressing to see the fight break out and to know what the consequences of that would be. But also to have it break out on national television and to give the university sort of a black eye.
Are college sports your sports of choice more so than professional?
Hanlon: I don’t know if more so.
Schlager: You’re a cheese-head.
Hanlon: Yeah, I also like NFL football. My teams are the Packers and then in college football, the Wisconsin Badgers.
Schlager: I like anything outdoors. Baseball, softball, football. The Nebraska Cornhuskers are my team.
What is the rivalry between the Badgers and the Cornhuskers?
Hanlon: Nebraska just entered the Big Ten conference this year, and I was welcoming Edella’s team into the conference and we were just smack talking. It escalated to a friendly wager. We decided public humiliation would be the way to go. If the Badgers had lost I would’ve had to wear an Indiana sweatshirt. (laughs).
Schalger: It was a beat down. Wisconsin ran all over Nebraska. But I stand by my Cornhuskers, it’s genetic.
Does this rivalry and sports talk help the work atmosphere?
Hanlon: I think so. It’s something we have in common. There are only a few of the students and professors alike who went to big schools like we did. It’s something fun to talk about besides academics.
Schalger: It’s not really common. I imagine on a case-by-case basis students that work closely with faculty may discuss sports if they’re both fans.
Do you discuss sports with your colleagues?
Schlager: No, never. I can just pick on Jeff. (laughs)