Undecided … but I’ll take a beer while I’m thinking
For centuries, alcohol has played a role in the way of life in many cultures and societies. As time has moved on, laws have been placed to limit those legally allowed to drink and those who are not of old enough age. Today, the United States’ legal drinking age is 21, but, recently, a debate has started to lower the drinking age to 18 years old. There are many opinions that either agree to lower the legal drinking age or keep it at 21. Both sides bring up valid and supported points that cause individuals to really think about this debate. The points brought forth by both those against the legal drinking age and those who support it have caused many individuals to question their beliefs on the issue.
Although both sides have different views on the current law, both arguments are against drunk driving and abuse of alcohol. The main cause for the debate is that each side disagrees with one another on what age should be considered old enough to have access to alcohol. This debate has caused conflict between generations and different societies. One society that is having a problem choosing whether or not to support lowering the drinking age is college campuses.
— Anton Riedlinger
Undecided undergraduate
Commenters anonymous
The fundamental, legitimate reason why many people post anonymously is because of fear of retribution from those who disagree with them. What we say online can have serious consequences in real life if our opinion is not favorable, even in the United States. Just to name a few examples: One can become less likely to be hired by someone who disagrees with him, he can lose his job, and he can receive death threats from people who disagree with his views. In some countries, he may even risk death and imprisonment for speaking out. In these circumstances, speaking anonymously is the only way many people can feel comfortable expressing their views. Real change can and does come from people who speak anonymously. We need to look no further than the recent website created by teachers criticizing UA President Robert Shelton and Provost Meredith Hay’s policies to see the value in the ability to express oneself anonymously. While some people may abuse this right, it is no reason to deny it to those who legitimately can only express themselves anonymously. But in order to ensure Mr. Knauer takes my opinion seriously, I will “”man up”” and sign this comment with my real name.
— David Graff
Civil engineering sophomore