If you had a time machine, where would you go? Or, when would you go?
I would go back to the 1920s and be a very classy man and walk around with a glass of Scotch.
Would you wear the clothes that you’re wearing right now?
No, no. I’d be very class. 1920s attire.
And, you’d probably be very rich in the 1920s.
I think so.
With the inflation rate and everything.
Yeah. I’d be a pretty wealthy guy.
Would you like to see any historical events in the 1920s.
No. Just kind of hang out and be myself.
Would you find any ladies? Classy 1920s ladies.
Yeah, multiple. Hang out. Enjoy myself.
Alright, and if there was a second time in history, or even in the future, that you’d want to go, when would it be?
I’d have to say 2154. Because I just saw that movie “”Pandora.””
“”Avatar,”” yeah, that’s what it was. And, I saw that the date was 2154, and I would want to see if it happened.
And, you would sign up for the space program to be one of the blue cat people?
No. I think I’d be one of the grunts that get killed by one of the wildebeest things.
So, you’d be on the side that’s battling against the blue cat people.
The blue monkey people. Yeah.
Monkeys. Cats. Same thing.
— Katie Gault