Candidate rally today
Candidates will be on the UA Mall today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to campaign, talk with students about their platforms and answer questions.
Primary elections, which will determine who will be on the general elections ballot, are tomorrow and Wednesday.
After the results are released Thursday night, one candidate will be eliminated from the running for administrative vice president, one for student body president and two for executive vice president. All 17 senatorial candidates are expected to be on the general ballot.
– Wells Brambl
Chain Gang informal mixer tomorrow
The Chain Gang Junior Honorary is having an optional informal mixer tomorrow night at 7.
All sophomores with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or higher are encouraged to apply.
Applications are available in the Associated Students of the University of Arizona office in the Student Union Memorial Center and are due by noon on March 3.
If you have questions, contact Erin Russell at
Spring Fling applications due
Today is the application deadline for a Spring Fling public relations assistant. The applications are due by 5 p.m. in the ASUA office.
The public relations assistant will assist the executive committee in creating media kits, scheduling live entertainment and informing local communities about the carnival, which runs from April 6 to April 9.
For a majority of the carnival, the assistant will be required to attend and participate in the daily operations of the event with a dean’s excuse.
No experience is necessary.
For more information, contact Holly Schindler at or 621-5610.