Ryanhood concert
The local Tucson band Ryanhood, which opened for Jason Mraz, will perform at an Associated Students of the University of Arizona elections rally at 5 p.m. on the UA Mall. Candidates will also be available to talk to campus community members.
Poverty is growing in America
The number of people living below the poverty line in the U.S. is at a 30-year high, according to a study released over the weekend by McClatchy newspapers. Nearly 16 million Americans live in “”deep to severe poverty,”” defined as a family of four with two children earning less than $9,903 annually. The study found that while worker productivity has increased, job and wage growth have not.
Savior’s Day
Savior’s Day is a holiday of the Nation of Islam that celebrates the birth of Wallace Fard Muhammad. The nation says Muhammad was Allah in human form and the savior of the black race.