? The U.S. Army packs Tabasco hot sauce in every ration kit given to soldiers.
? The number of births that occur in India each year is greater than the entire population of Australia.
? You weigh less at the top of a mountain than at sea level.
? J. Edgar Hoover liked to fire FBI agents whose palms were sweaty when shaking hands.
? At birth, a panda bear is smaller than a mouse.
? Approximately $25 million is spent each year on lap dances in Las Vegas.
? More than half of British adults have had sex in a public place.
? Honey is sometimes used for antifreeze mixtures and in the center of golf balls.
? More than 19,000 U.S. scientists have signed a petition stating that there is no convincing scientific evidence that humans can cause global warming.
? Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents.
? Women pregnant with boys are less forgetful than those carrying girls.
? The launching mechanism of a carrier ship that helps planes to take off could throw a pickup truck over a mile.
? There are 635,013,559,599 possible hands in a game of bridge.
? In 1976, a Los Angeles secretary named Jannene Swift officially married a 50-pound rock in a ceremony witnessed by more than 20 people.
? The filming of the movie “”Titanic”” cost more than the Titanic itself.
? On average, half of all false teeth have some form of radioactivity.
? Cashew nut shells contain oil that is extremely irritating to human skin.
? In the 1930s, American track star Jesse Owens used to race against horses and dogs to earn a living.
? The first product that Sony came out with was the rice cooker.
? Saturn’s rings are about 500,000 miles in circumference but only about a foot thick.
– All facts from hookedonfacts.com