No. 18 Arizona women’s gymnastics team fell to No. 15 Oregon State 197.050-196.275 on Sunday at home but were able to record their highest bar score on the season, 49.300.
The Gymcats began the meet on vault, where sophomore Shelby Edwards tied her career high of 9.900.
“I always want to do the best that I can for the team and if my personal goals get accomplished along the way than that is awesome,” Edwards said.
Junior Allie Flores and freshman Gabby Laub both scored a 9.825 in vault, which is a career high for Laub and ties a career high for Flores. From that point, junior Amber Wobma and freshman Mackenzie Valentin added scores of 9.775, to earn 49.100 on the first event.
“We started out pretty well and were pretty tight on scoring,” coach Bill Ryden said. “We did have a few vaults that were a little rough, but we did still pull a decent team score out of it.”
Arizona then moved on to the uneven bars, where Gabby Laub tied her career high with a score of 9.875. Sophomore Lexi Mills earned a new career high with a 9.900 and also earned second place for the event. Their 49.300 was the program’s 11th highest score.
“Probably our best event of the day was bars, even with Shelby’s mishap, the other five were fantastic,” Ryden said.
In the third rotation, the Gymcats suffered a fall and balance issues on the beam. Edwards scored a 9.900, which is a career high. Flores added a score of 9.850 and Wobma contributed a 9.825.
Sophomore Jessie Sisler remained on the beam after some balance issues to earn a score of 9.675 after the fall by senior Shana Sangston.
Heading into the final rotation, Arizona was only down by .275. The Gymcats then struggled late after a counted fall on floor.
“I never thought we would count a fall in floor,” Ryden said. “Literally with the deductions that [freshman] Selynna [Felix-Terrazas] took, that was like counting a fall. I’m a little bit more perturbed than I was last week because we actually fell on a fall event. For our team, this is not a fall event.”
Junior Kristin Klarenbach earned a new career high on floor with a 9.950.
“I had a rough start on vault, but I knew I could do it because I have been doing it during practice,” Klarenbach said. “I just thought to go out there calm and confident and do what you always do. It was a great feeling running back to my team knowing that I did so well.”
Flores contributed a 9.900, which is the fourth time she has tied her career best this season. Also, Flores earned a career high of 39.425 in the all-around competition, which is the program’s tenth highest individual all-around score.
“Floor is where my heart’s been since I was three years old and I think having upgraded tumbling puts me in that upper echelon,” Flores said.
Even after all the career highs, coach Ryden was upset at the team’s performance as a whole.
“Overall, individually we had some great scores,” Ryden said. “Individually, we all know that is hollow if we don’t do what we want as a team. We will just have to regroup and hopefully we can put those 24 in a row next week.”
—Follow Matt Wall @mwall20