After the University of Arizona’s student-run College Republicans United club invited the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform to hold an anti-abortion demonstration on campus for two consecutive days, a counter-protest formed on the second day, drawing in nearly a hundred students and community members on Thursday, April 13. The counter-protest primarily centered around pro-choice beliefs, but many were also there to protest the anti-abortion group’s choice of displaying large graphic images on the UA Mall depicting blood and dead people, including lynchings and photos from the Holocaust in order to equate them with abortion.
A sign next to the University of Arizona's Student Union Memorial Center warns passersby of the display set up on campus put on by an anti-abortion group called the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform from Wednesday, April 12, to Thursday, April 13. The display included large, graphic images, including photos of dead people who died in the Holocaust or from lynching, which sparked outrage from many students and community members.