March 23, 1956
The first Crusade for Freedom educational program on campus ends tomorrow after balloons, talks, and a movie helped tell the story of Radio Free Europe and Free Europe Press activities.
Following the lead of University of Missesota UA fraternities and sororities sponspored the Crusade program in conjunction with their Greek Week activities.
Minnesota students initiatied support of the Crusade during its Greek Week actitives last year. They also sent compiled detailed reports and recommendateions to colleges and universities around America to foster the idea on other campuses.
Joe Micke, Greek Week publicitiy chairman, has been in charge of pubicising the program.
A 15-minute movie about Crusade for Freedom, a privately sponsored enterprise, was shown Tuesday at Panhellenic and IFC meetings and Thursday at Greek Week panel discussions. Fraternity and sorority presidents spoke on the program and handed out literature at exchange dinners Wednedsay.
Two Crusade for Freedom balloons were released fro the Student Union Building. Finders will be awarded a partable radio.
In Europe the finders do not receive radios but newspapers tied in bails by the Free Europe Press. These balloons floate over Iron Curtain countries and provide the only source of outside inforation to the inhabitants.
Vaughn Binzer, Greek Week discussions committee chairman, is in charge of the bookstore display.
While conferences between Societ leaders and Western diplomats fill the papers of the world with news, and while the Moscow bigwigs tour Western nations and write friendly letters the work of boosting moral behind the Iron Curtain continues.
Communist tactics seem to have changed a bit in outward aspects since the Geneva conference last summer, but according to reports from the Crusade for Freedom, Soviet oppression in satellite nations goes on.
The crusade for Freedom is a non-government organization which supports Radio Free Europe and Free Europe Press. These groups should not be confused with the Voice of Freedom activites of various governments.