Major: economics freshman
What’s for lunch?: “”A bowl from Panda Express: white rice, beef and broccoli.””
Worst on-campus food experience: “”The hash-browns at the Cactus Grill. They’re not real hash-browns. They are really more of a patty – a hash-patty.””
Most likely spot to chow: “”Panda Express. I go more than I should – once a day at least.””
Suggestions for improvement: “”More coupons.””
Do you share your meal plan? “”Yes. I usually buy my friends a meal every now and again””
Major: anthropology freshman
What’s for lunch “”A Bruegger’s bagel: plain with cream cheese.””
Worst on-campus food experience: “”I went up to the PSU food court to get a fruit bowl, and after I scraped out some pineapple I found two dead flies.””
Most likely spot to chow: “”Probably at either Panda (Express) or PSU.””
Suggestions for improvement: “”Kill the flies.””
Do you share your meal plan?: “”Not really.””
Major: math. molecular and cellular biology freshman
What’s for lunch? “”I had a burger and fries Now I’m having ice cream.””
Worst on-campus food experience: “”I had some half-baked lasagna from Cactus Grill.””
Most likely spot to chow: “”At lunchtime, Park Student Union and dinner at Memorial Student Union.””
Suggestions for improvement: “”More options open on the weekend would be nice since I have to live on campus.””
Do you share your meal plan? “”No.””
Major: graduate student studying medicine
What’s for lunch? “”A burrito with chicken and steak, a little hint of lettuce.””
Worst on-campus food experience: “”McDonald’s. It is greasy and disgusting and you get here in the morning after one class you are really hungry so you stop in there. It’s just not as good as they say it is.””
Most likely spot to chow: “”Chipotle.””
Suggestions for improvement: “”An Italian place would be cool here.””
Do you share your meal plan? “”I usually buy people … food with my meal plan.””