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Fast Facts
August 22, 2007
Less than 1 percent of all road accidents in Canada involve a moose.
India is the only country in the world with a bill of rights for cows.
There once were more sea lions than people on Earth .
The adult electric eel has enough electrical power in it to fuel a house of about 1,200 square feet. The eel’s average discharge is 400 volts.
The owl parrot can’t fly and builds its nest under tree roots.
Moisture, not air, causes super glue to dry.
Russia built more than 10,000 miles of railroad from 1896-1900.
Almost all the helium that exists in the world today is from natural gas wells in the United States.
A normal raindrop falls at about 7 miles per hour.
Boxing is the most popular sport to create a film about.
Olive oil was used to wash the body in the ancient Mediterranean world.
John Hancock was the only one of 50 signatories of the Declaration of Independence to actually sign it in July.
It took the United States only four days to build a ship during World War II.
Celebrating Christmas was once illegal in England.
According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying.
The hula-hoop was the biggest selling toy in 1957.
Jeans were named after Genoa, Italy, where the first denim cloth was manufactured.