UA Fall Career Days. Don’t miss the UA’s largest career fair. Hundreds of employers are recruiting the UA’s best and brightest for jobs and internship opportunities. 11 a.m. Student Union Memorial Center, third floor ballrooms
Math seminar. The Program in Applied Mathematics Analysis and its Applications Seminar series presents “”Error Correction Systems for Nano-scale Fault-Tolerant Memories,”” presented by Bane Vasic. 12:30 p.m. Math Building, Room 402
Public policy talk. A public talk on U.S. policy and public diplomacy in the Middt le East will be given by Alberto Fernandez, director of the Office of Press and Public Diplomacy in the Bureau of Near East Affairs, U.S. Department of State. Free. 3:30 p.m. SUMC, Gallagher Theater
Free workshop. Part of the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Fall Leadership Workshop Series, the personal vision and mission workshop will help hone your leadership skills. 5 p.m. SUMC, Sabino Room
Lecture Series on Turkey and European Union. Linda Darling from the department of history will talk about the history of the relations between Europeans and Turks, providing a historical perspective on the issue of Turkey’s possible membership in the EU. 7 p.m. César E. Chávez building, Room 110
Free film. “”Ticket to Jerusalem,”” a Palestinian film, depicts a Palestinian man who must overcome obstacles in order to continue to bring entertainment throughout the West Bank with his mobile cinema. 7 p.m. Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, Auditorium 130
Good morning commuters. Finally a reason to get up so darn early. If you’re one of the 29,500 commuters on campus, come get free coffee, doughnuts and juice. 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. SUMC, Commuter Student Lounge
Society for Creative Anachronism meeting. It’s “”International Talk Like A Pirate Day!”” No better way to celebrate than to attend a Society for Creative Anachronism meeting. Get in touch with your inner pirate … ahem … privateer. Fight with Viking raiders. Frolic with men in tights. Perform Shakespeare. Armored combat, rapiers, archery, dance, skullduggery – if it came from pre-17th-century Europe, we do it! 6 p.m. SUMC, Food Court
Trivia Tuesdays. Play free trivia games while you hang out at the Park Student Union. All day. PSU, dining room
Video game tournament. Come show off your stellar dance movies during the “”In the Groove”” and “”Dance Dance Revolution”” video game tournaments. $2, SUMC, Games Room
Free sneak preview. Come get a free sneak peak of “”The Science of Sleep!”” Tickets will be available at the following SUMC locations: Games Room, CSIL, Gallagher Box Office, Information Desk. 7 p.m. Gallagher Theater