Trending Up:
Pride: With the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 on the horizon, American flags are waving across the nation. Everyone is reflecting on just how different the world is and how far we’ve come. While this infamous day is known as one of great pain, and still is for some, Americans can feel proud because we’re still here, 10 years later. We held our ground through what seemed like uncertain times, and our future is still bright. Don’t tell the bickering politicians that though, they still need to fight about what it means to move a speech back because of a football game or how rude it is to schedule a presidential address at the same time as a primary debate.
Speech mishaps: If you thought Michele Bachmann would finally rein in her blundering comments, you were wrong. While once thought to be trending down, Bachmann’s mindless speech acts refused to taper off or stop entirely. Bachmann chalked up another “oops” when she made a comment about how the hurricanes battering the East Coast and the earthquake in Washington, D.C., were God’s messages to the politicians. Bachmann later said it was a joke. Yes, one could only hope it was a joke. I’m sure the fear-struck people with destroyed property are getting quite the cackle out of that one. While they’re slapping their knees, Bachmann is slapping her head and asking, “Why did I say that?”
Primary chances: It seems like every week there’s a different front runner in the Republican primaries: It’s Mitt Romney to the rescue, then it’s Rick Perry the job creator, next it’s Michele Bachmann the Tea Party twinkle. And hey, let’s not forget the loveable long shot Ron Paul. Everyone still has a chance, despite the way a different candidate each week seems to suddenly be winning over the hearts of the entire political base.
Trending Down:
Hope: The central consensus on the unemployment crisis in the U.S. is that it isn’t getting better, and it won’t get better this year … or next year. The White House recently stated that job growth can’t be expected until as late as 2012. With all the hoopla surrounding President Barack Obama’s job speech and when it’s scheduled, we seem to have become so jaded by the lack of job growth that we’ve just accepted it. Now, we’d rather fight about when we talk about the fact that there aren’t any jobs.
New res hall reputation: The two newest residence halls on campus, Likins Hall and Árbol de la Vida Residence Hall, came in second and third in UAPD responses from Aug. 15 to Sept. 1. Way to welcome yourself to the campus, and make yourself right at home. The infamous Arizona-Sonora Residence Hall took the cake for the most UAPD responses. With that pesky Coronado renovation going on, “AZ-bro” can take its uncontested reign. Be wary though, the newbies in Likins and Árbol are on the rise.
Your access: Due to an electrical failure, the UA Data Center will temporarily shut down. From 11 p.m. Saturday until 7 p.m. Sunday, all campus email systems, UAccess, Mosaic and many other services will not be offered. So don’t try and drop classes or email your professor to tell them you’ll be missing class. No worries though, you weren’t planning on doing anything school-related until 11 p.m. on Sunday night anyway, right?
—Storm Byrd