From “We’re not robots, so why are we dating like them?” by Michelle Chan
In Plato’s “The Symposium,” Aristophanes conjured the idea of love as two lost halves, who once originated from the same body, in perpetual search for completion. The discovery of one’s other half resulted in the consummation of a physical union by which the two become one.
In attempt to simplify our search, we’ve trusted internet algorithms, search engines and artificial intelligence to pair us with our true beloved.
About 44 percent of the American population is single, according to the United States Census Bureau, and nearly 2,500 online dating websites exist, promising that till death do we part, according to a study cited in Online Dating Magazine.
However, an internet search for love may not be the godsend lonely souls were seeking.
The Daily Evergreen
Washington State University
From “College life lacks hope in love department” by Becca Smouse
Our generation has made “relationship” such a convoluted term because of our emotionless effort to communicate with one another. While a cute text might have been super sweet in high school, it’s not going to cut it on a university level. Face-to-face is necessary to get your message across.
Texting has become a whole other language, being decoded by multiple friends who come to a conclusion that is often opposite of the true message. We’ve come to the point where a smiley face could make or break a person.
We’re so ruled by the expectations of “hook-up” culture that we drop all efforts to go that extra step to develop something more. We act as if showing emotions for another is a nothing but a sign of weakness.
The State Press
Arizona State University
From “Current generation must reclaim their power” by Nafisa Masud
It’s impossible to ignore the pictures of the current uprising in Kiev, Ukraine — blazing barricades constructed of tires and stone-faced youth roaming the city square with Molotov cocktails. As a result of President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to ignore growing relations with the European Union in favor of neighboring Russia, thousands of protestors have erected camps within the city. They remain there today, refusing to move until changes are made.
While many of us don’t live in a tumultuous environment as those in Ukraine do, we’re not strangers to problems on the home front. We hear them frequently in the news: global warming, income disparity and a lack of funding for education, among others. But how many American youth are speaking out about it? How many Facebook posts and tweets involve these issues? More often than not, one finds endless rambling on sports, Starbucks and the most foolproof method to achieving the ever-elusive thigh gap.
The Daily Utah Chronicle
University of Utah