Comic strip proves racism is alive and well
I read the Daily Wildcat every day and when I get to the comics section, there is usually laughter coming from behind the newspaper but today that was not the case. Gasps were the only sounds that could be heard after I read the comic “”The K Chronicles”” (Nov. 5, 2008). How could my university think that a word as demeaning as the “”N-word”” would be funny to the general public on campus? Especially after last night’s elections.
It saddens me to think that last night I was excited for a change to sweep the nation but instead I woke up to the same old racism and discrimination.
Danielle Van Arsdale
undeclared sophomore
Comic strip ‘inappropriate,’ poorly timed
I wanted to respond to the comic strip, “”The K Chronicles presents Stories from the Campaign Trail”” (Nov. 5, 2008). After what took place Tuesday evening, this historical event, tears that were shed, and the excitement expressed by students, staff and faculty, the unity felt all over the United States, we are presented with a comic strip referring to Barack Obama as the “”N-word.””
I would like someone to please explain how that particular comic strip is viewed as hilarious, entertaining, appropriate, and/or worth printing on any newspaper. What a great way to celebrate Barack Obama becoming our first black President.
I am truly offended by this strip, and find it inappropriate. We need to stand together and get rid of racial slurs, and this comic strip does no help.
Malia Uhatafe
religious studies senior
Cartoon fails to reflect student values
It is quite unfortunate that on a day of change, regardless of political affiliation, the Arizona Daily Wildcat decides to publish this type of cartoon (“”The K Chronicles,”” Nov. 5, 2008).
The Daily Wildcat continually proves to me that it is a sub-par, less than intelligent publication that doesn’t in any way reflect nor shape the opinions, world view or sentiment of Tucson. I would and do expect more from this periodical.
Jeremy Mohr
civil engineering alumnus, class of 1998
Cartoon sends ‘hurtful, racist’ message
In Wednesday’s Arizona Daily Wildcat a cartoon ran in the WildLife section that was not only inappropriate and uncalled for, but also hurtful and racist.
It is the responsibility of the Daily Wildcat to provide the UA campus with the “”independent voice of students”” and not make any member of the Wildcat community feel threatened or unwelcome. That responsibility was not met with the material that ran in Wednesday’s paper.
No matter the origin of the cartoon, the Daily Wildcat must exercise better judgment in the material they choose to run. We are all advocates for information sharing and controversy for the sake of dialogue and the advancement of our education, but the Knight cartoon served neither purpose.
On behalf of the student body of the UA I would like to sincerely apologize for the cartoon that ran in Wednesday’s paper (“”The K Chronicles,”” Nov. 5, 2008). Furthermore, I would like to reassure the student body and the community as a whole that this is in no way the opinion of our students or a proper representation of our student body. Blatant racist content should never appear in the Daily Wildcat again and I hope that the members of the Daily Wildcat team not only recognize that but also take responsibility for their actions and make a public apology.
We must always remember that the strength of our university is in its students’ ability to live, learn, and grow in an open and welcoming environment – material that degrades and offends has no place on our campus or in our community.
Tommy Bruce
ASUA student body president
marketing senior
Wildcat owes community an apology for running offensive cartoon
As a student of the UA, I believe that the use of the “”N-word”” in a comic of the Daily Wildcat was unnecessary and offensive for the word implied and the context it was used in (“”The K Chronicles,”” Nov. 5, 2008).
Therefore, I believe you owe individuals on this campus and your outside readers an apology for including this excerpt in your paper. Is this really how we welcome and greet the new president? I am aware that not everyone is happy about the results but let’s still have some respect for one another please.
Candice Hoyle
sophomore majoring in retailing and consumer sciences
Comic strip shouldn’t have run in a student newspaper
I opened up the Daily Wildcat today as I do every day to read the current events. As I strolled through the comic session, I read a comic strip that was not only highly offensive but shocked beyond belief that such language would be tolerable to use in a newspaper with such diverse students. I understand that the comic strip was written by an African-American man but that does not justify how the comic strip was used.
The context in which the Daily Wildcat put the comic in was highly offensive not only to the African-American community but to every other culture. It does not portray the UA in a positive way or the Daily Wildcat – a newspaper that represents students from every background. As an African-American student on a majority Caucasian campus I feel very welcomed because of how the UA and everything associated with it is very positive and open to every culture. However, for the Daily Wildcat to offend a culture in the way they did lets me know of the continued disrespect some people have toward a group of minorties.
I would like to see an apology letter on the front page addressing the offensive comic strip and how any offensive language toward a certain culture group will not occur in the future. In addition to that, I would like to know how these things slip past the Editor in Chief.
Shanice R. Curtis
pre-communications junior
Comic strip is offensive, not funny
I am very displeased that this comic strip was published. As you can notice from it, the “”N-word”” is used. I do not think this is funny at all. This is a time to celebrate as our country has elected the first African-American president and I feel like this is a backlash at that.
The fact that we have elected the first African-American president should be inspiration to not be racist, but this seems to be a deliberate act of racism at a time where we have just accomplished something amazing. This racism should not be allowed and the person should be punished for it. If the person that wrote this article thinks that it was ok to write that, they should think again, because it is a slap in the face to a country that is getting past racism and prejudice and bigotry.
We need to come together as a people and remember what the Civil Rights movement taught us, to love one another for who we are and not see color, just see people.
In the wise words of Martin Luther King, Jr: “”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.””
Julian Seidel
engineering sophomore
Free speech can’t excuse comic strip
As someone who has dedicated my life to social justice I am one of the first people to defend free speech. I understand that in order to protect my own right I must defend everyone else’s – no matter what they say. I am a firm believer that even if I do not agree with someone’s opinions I will fight for their right to say them.
That said, I also believe that as a student newspaper on a college campus the Daily Wildcat has a responsibility to uphold the atmosphere of respect of this university and I will not stand for hate speech to be published in a paper that is read by so many students from all walks of life. The edition of the comic “”The K Chronicles”” in Wednesday’s paper was not only distasteful, but did not belong in the Daily Wildcat. As a university we pride ourselves on creating a diverse climate with a respectful atmosphere and use of the “”N-word”” tears down these achievements.
Our world is run by communication and language is the basis of communication. It is important for us to be conscience of the words we use. Is it really appropriate that we still use a word that has its origins in slavery and wherever it is said is sure to offend? Some argue that there are exceptions to the rule: when people know it is a joke, when it is used to make a point, etc. But I believe that this just keeps a word alive and keeps a feeling alive and keeps a society alive that we should have left a long time ago. So please respect your readers and each other and refuse to reproduce the representations of hate.
Hali Nurnberg
sociology junior
Comic strip’s inclusion in newspaper ‘insults, excludes’ community
I am deeply saddened and disgusted by “”The K Chronicles”” comic strip that the Daily Wildcat published on Nov. 5, 2008. It is beyond me to understand how a newspaper directed at educated individuals could publish such an ignorant and blatantly racist comic. The Daily Wildcat is meant to serve a variety of people on the UA campus – of many cultures, races and backgrounds. By including this comic in your newspaper, you have insulted and excluded not just the African-American population but the entire student population as a whole. Like many student newspapers on other college campuses across the nation, the Daily Wildcat has the privilege of free speech and expressing unique viewpoints. This being said, free speech comes with an enormous amount of responsibility, which your newspaper seems to not understand.
The severity and overall significance of the word used, as well as its unfortunate timing, needs to be recognized by the Daily Wildcat. The comic strip that was published was not harmless or simply poking fun – the comic published by the Daily Wildcat was essentially a racial slur that was mass-produced. As a reader, I expect more than a simple apology from the Wildcat. I want to know that there will be institutionalization of Daily Wildcat procedures for publications after this incident. I hope that you understand how serious this is, and I also hope that the Wildcat understands that they will not be functional if they continue to insult and degrade the very people they cater to.
Cynthia Martinez
sociology and communications senior
Racial slurs inappropriate regardless of the target
As a full time staff employee and part time graduate student here at the university, I was appalled when reading “”The K Chronicles”” comic in Wednesday’s Daily Wildcat. It is completely inappropriate for any educational institution to promote racial slander regardless of whether or not is done in a comical context or not. Specifically, I am referring to the repeated use of the “”N-word”” in the comic. If any other racial slur had been used, regardless of race or ethnicity it was describing, I have been just as equally disappointed with the judgment of the Daily Wildcat.
Sara Mobley
nondegree-seeking graduate
Wildcat not the first to print controversial comic strip
I am a student at the UA and heard you’re having a little problem with the cartoon printed today featuring the “”N-word.”” This cartoon was printed across the country last week and created quite an uproar – however, it’s old news. A simple Google (search) of the cartoonist’s name found numerous articles throughout the country. I heard from one group leader they are planning massive protests, they are contacting local TV and newspapers, etc. about this ridiculous cartoon. Here’s one such news article:–montclair-newspap1028oct28,0,7629928.story
Perhaps some more research could help you save our university from more embarrassment?
Leah Baskett
anthropology senior
Cartoon also portrays women offensively
Regardless of one’s political affiliation, the election has helped raise social awareness – or so I thought. Words cannot quite describe the disgust, sadness, and anger I felt as I read the comic strip published the day after the election, (“”The K Chronicles,”” Nov. 5, 2008). One day after feeling so hopeful for this nation, I am reminded of the ignorance and cruelty that exists in this world.
Perhaps threatened, or maybe lazily resorting to the classic tool of hatred to undermine groups of people, the author felt it necessary to belittle both African-Americans and women in one fell swoop. Although both groups have risen above immeasurable odds, we were reminded that there is more to overcome – props to the author for equally reminding both women and African-Americans that the fight for equality is not yet over. Hate-laced words and women portrayed as puppets of their husbands – “”Honey, who are we voting for again?”” is simply unacceptable. This “”comic”” is hurtful and there should be no tolerance for such a display. May the rest of the campus community recognize how deep the roots of discrimination run; hopefully, armed with that knowledge, may we fight against it. Let us learn to respect and cherish the diversity within this world – it is time to change the ripple effect of hate to the ripple effect of love. Day by day, generation by generation, but “”Yes we can!””
Aubree DuPlessis
psychology senior
Obama deserves Republican good will
I had the honor of being in Phoenix when John McCain announced his campaign for president in April 2007 and again last night when he ended it. He is a true American hero and I am proud to have supported him. For over a year, I worked hard to get him elected and I have no regrets. John McCain campaigned on a platform of putting “”Country First”” and on Tuesday night, he encouraged all Americans to do just that. I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, and I don’t agree with his policies, but he will be my president.
I encourage all conservatives to stand up and fight for what you believe in and oppose bad policies when they need to be opposed. However, I ask you to join me in refusing to disparage and vilify President-elect Obama in the ruthless manner that Democrats have denigrated President Bush. We’ve got more class than that.
I thank John McCain for his lifetime of service to America. He has always put his country above his own self-interest and we live in a much better country because of his leadership. In this challenging time in America’s history, I have nothing but good will toward’s the incoming president and I recognize the historic nature of his election. May God bless Barack Obama and our great nation.
Ry Ellison
president, UA College Republicans
business management junior
Alumnus praises outcome of historic
Congratulations America. You have just written a new shining chapter in contemporary history. This proved to the rest of the world that liberty and equal opportunity are two great American values that are among the pillars of its democracy.
Undoubtedly, following these values will not let anyone regret his or her decision. I hope this very valuable achievement will pave the way for a prosperous, just, and peaceful world future, especially in the chaotic oil-rich Middle East.
Ibrahim Al-Ismail
1985 UA BSBA alumnus