How do you test the convictions of a person? You take away their money. With economic uncertainty bludgeoning America over the head, states have begun to relinquish some of their reservations about alcohol. Recognizing its economic potential, states are desperately grasping to cash in on alcohol to fill in holes created by the economic downturn.
Some states have attempted to raise more funds from alcohol by increasing taxes on it, which, in theory, could deter purchases. Maryland and at least 12 other states are increasing the tax on alcohol. Maryland’s alcohol tax rose 3 percent in July, and is expected to produce $85 million in additional revenue. That’s a lot of extra coin.
On the other hand some states have let down their guard and embraced changes to make alcohol more accessible on Sundays and on university campuses. In Atlanta, there will be a November vote to repeal colonial laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sundays. At Louisiana State University, the university will now receive royalties of a beer named after one of their famous football defenses. It’s apparent that economic hardships can be the ultimate test of just how adamant people are about their values.
Many states have prohibited the sale of alcohol on Sundays purely as a religion-driven idea. However, not even God seems to trump greed these days. Jerry Luquire, president of the Georgia Christian Coalition, said, “God knows — and I say that reverently — you can’t prove anything with religion anymore. So we’re saying, ‘Please vote no (on allowing Sunday alcohol sales) to save a life.’”
I also thought it would be a cold day in hell that those with a religion-motivated interest would admit that it wasn’t working anymore. I didn’t, however, think it would be much longer before all of America’s hang-ups with alcohol dissipated further. The sad truth is, our convictions, morals and beliefs all come with a price. It seems that we can no longer comfortably take stock in them, while our American stock market falters. We can no longer afford to keep up our fronts while we’re having trouble putting food on the table. Who knows how long it will be before Americans back off their staunch opposition to marijuana? It’s likely only matter of time before those on their religious high horse backoff and allow same-sex marriage. But maybe we’re just not that economically insecure yet.
_—Storm Byrd is the Perspectives editor. He can be reached at _