The Associated Students of the University of Arizona met Tuesday to discuss drafting a resolution for Senate Bill 1070, Arizona’s new immigration law.
After 40 minutes of discussion, the senate moved to make a resolution decision at the next meeting.
Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 on April 23. The senate held an immigration forum on May 4 to hear student opinions on the bill.
Senator Jeff Adams said that he had gotten feedback from students on Senate Bill 1070.
“”I have talked to a lot of people, and the students I’ve met who are in support of the law support because it mirrors federal law already. It just allows the state to more easily enforce that law.””
Adams also got feedback from the student body that the bill is widely popular in Arizona, but said that he does not want students to be driven away from the UA due to Senate Bill 1070.
“”The idea of racial profiling is not good, but we also have to realize that immigration is a problem in this state. We as a senate should write a resolution but consider that this law was put in place for a reason,”” Adams said. “”I ask you to consider all sides to this issue.””
Adams felt that too few students were aware of last week’s immigration forum.
“”There are lots of people who would have gone, but said they just didn’t know about the forum,”” Adams said.
Senator Voge, who was not present, wrote in a letter that he felt he hadn’t spoken with enough students about Senate Bill 1070.
“”I feel I’ve not talked to a diverse enough array of students on campus to make a decision on this bill,”” Voge wrote.
Senator Deanna Mariner expressed a similar opinion.
“”I don’t feel I’ve spoken to enough students as I’d like to in order to write a resolution and approve it,”” Mariner said.
Senator Myles participated in discussion through a telephone conference and asked which senators had done research outside of last week’s immigration forum and talked to other students about their thoughts on Senate Bill 1070.
“”I know the forum (last week) was pretty one-sided on SB 1070,”” Senator Myles said. “”Just think about the students that actually talked at the forum last week. Personally, I don’t feel we have enough voice in students yet to write a resolution.””
San Angelo, who wrote a draft of the resolution, said that the majority of students he’s spoken with are against Senate Bill 1070.
“”Another sentence about student opinion would be beneficial,”” San Angelo said. “”Adding a line about students leaving the UA as a result of SB 1070 would be a good amendment. If we haven’t talked to enough students by now we’re dragging our feet.””
Senator Scott Rising believed that a resolution on Senate Bill 1070 needs to be clearer and change wording to be more representative of the student body.
“”We haven’t gotten the opinions, perhaps we have been dragging our feet, but it’s finals week,”” said Senator Chad Travis. “”We did see people at the forum, but it wasn’t necessarily the opinion. Until we reach out, I’d like to see a resolution focus more on students.””
Senator Taylor Bilby, who also participated in the meeting through telephone conference, said she did not feel she’d heard from enough students to make a senate resolution on the Senate Bill 1070.
“”I agree with Senator Myles that we don’t have all the opinions we need. There was an overwhelming number of students in opposition at the forum. I haven’t had the chance to go around and talk to people about their opinions yet, but it seems like we don’t have a firm grasp on how students are feeling right now.””
San Angelo asked the senate to define what is an acceptable amount of opinions to hear before making a resolution.
“”We need to consider that we’re never going to have a consensus or total opinion of the student body,”” San Angelo said. Whatever information we gather is going to be arbitrary enough. At what point will we receive enough to make some sort of stance?””
Adams mentioned that the issue should be pushed forward to summer governance so the senate can work on finals during finals week.
San Angelo did not believe that multiple drafts of a resolution would be necessary.
“”If we don’t pass a resolution now, no one is going to care. It will be old news by the time we actually do pass something,”” San Angelo said.
ASUA President Emily Fritze advised the senate to concentrate on the effect of Senate Bill 1070 on UA students.
“”It’s important that you all address this issue because it’s gotten enormous national coverage,”” Fritze said. You will never have a complete understanding of what students want most of the time. I encourage you to take some sort of stance instead of pass the issue off. There will be a lot of different views. It’s essential that you take into consideration how this affects students right now. The media is looking to see the response of students.””
The senate moved to table the item to make a resolution on Senate Bill 1070 until Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.