Tuition hearing tonight
The Arizona Board of Regents will hold a public tuition forum today from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Harvill building, Room 211. The statewide hearing will include discussion on tuition increases and mandatory fees. This is an opportunity for students to share any concerns they have regarding tuition with the regents.
Candlelight vigil against violence
Residence Life’s No Room for Hate on Campus is a program featuring the film “”Boys Don’t Cry”” and a panel discussion on anti-transgender violence followed by a candlelight vigil at the Old Main Fountain. The event commemorates those whose lives have been impacted or ended by hate crimes.
Breast cancer drug receives FDA approval
The breast cancer drug Herceptin received expanded federal approval last week to include treatment of some women after they have undergone surgery, according to the FDA. A study in the U.K. found there was a 52 percent decrease in relapse following administration of the drug with chemotherapy for patients with early stage HER-2 positive breast cancer.