Dancing with danger
A University of Arizona Police Department officer responded to the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre in reference to a possible assault victim on April 1. Upon arrival, he found a male sitting on a bench with a custodian. Above the male’s left eye, there was dry blood and swelling. He was wearing underwear, a ripped shirt exposing his upper chest and a blanket.
Tucson Fire Department arrived to the scene and administered medical attention. The man refused to go to the hospital through ambulance and signed a refusal form despite recommendations that he be checked by a doctor. When the officer asked the man what had happened, he said he thought he was jumped last night but could not remember. He told the officer he only remembered drinking the night prior at a Theta Tau Chi party. The male is not affiliated with the UA and was just visiting.
The officer requested the building be checked for break-ins because it is normally secured and always locked at night. Two shattered windows big enough for someone to enter were located. As the officer walked in the hall near the Ina A. Gittings gym, he noticed evidence of a pair of black jeans on the ground partially inside out, two socks, some black H&M shoes and a Samsung phone. He also noticed a small pile of what might have been vomit. The male claimed ownership of the items.
The officer then read him his Miranda rights. The male denied breaking the window and said it’s not normal behavior for him. Nothing was removed from inside the building to suggest burglary and nothing was damaged. Due to a lack of evidence to support burglary intent, the male was arrested, booked to Pima County Jail for criminal damage for the two broken windows and trespassing. He was served a six-month exclusionary order from UA property.
Man falls off 10-foot ladder
A UAPD officer responded to Tornabene theatre in reference to an individual who had fallen off a ladder. He made contact with the UA employee who was alert and conscious but had a laceration to his head. There was a pool of blood in the back of the theatre behind the curtain where he had fallen while working on lights above him. As he was climbing down a 10-foot ladder, he slipped.
UAEMS and TFD evaluated his condition and said he did not require transport to a hospital; he was advised to contact his physician regarding possible sutures for the laceration. Several other employees stayed with the male until his wife could pick him up. The officer provided a case number and advised to contact a supervisor and complete an industrial form. UA Facilities Management personnel were contacted to do a biohazard cleanup on the blood.
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