The campus is stunned.
The news of President Kennedy’s assassination spread slowly at first and then like wildfire to every classroom and building.
Students, normally happy on the last day of the weeks classes, looked at each other in disbelief.
Tears sprang to the eyes of coeds. People said “”Did you hear that the President’s dead?”” rather than, “”hello.”” Greetings were somber and restrained, as if a specter had risen over the campus.
Clumps of student stared intently at a bulletin board in the Student Union to read Associated Press dispatched posted there by the Wildcat.
Classes, Game As Usual
Dr. Richard A Harvill, President of The University, said late today that classes, Band Day, the New Mexico-Arizona football game and other campus events would continue as scheduled pending an official statement of mourning by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
However, the Military department called off its annual Military Ball tonight and most campus meetings were cancelled. Only a few students attended Friday afternoon classes.
Flags Half-Staffed
When the news became official, campus policemen lowered the United States and Arizona flags to half-mast while scores of students stood at abrupt attention in front of the Memorial Fountain.
They remained standing there for several moments after the lowering had been completed, the slowly turned away.
A Wildcat photographer, taking pictures, burst into tears.
At fraternity and sorority houses, television sets and radios were turned on as members came running breathlessly in with the news. Lunches were disrupted as they clamored to hear and see the scene in a Dallas, Texas, hospital.
Sought More News
Others gathered wherever there was a means of finding out more information; around an automobile in front of the Liberal Arts building, around a portable radio in a classroom.
At about 1:45, the Tucson newspapers hit the campus. Students jammed the distribution boxes and the papers were sold out in 10 minutes.
At long last things began to calm down. Students remembered they were hungry and stood in long lines to get food in the Student Union.
Serious discussions on the fate of the country were held around coffee tables and in the hallways. Students sought out professors for their opinions. Coeds began to wonder if they should go out that evening.
Everyone had a grim, determined expression.