Vendor fair. Shopping on the UA Mall. Your room, your wardrobe, your bank account – they’ll have stuff to cover it all. Sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, this fair allows you to check out what the Tucson community has to offer without ever leaving campus. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., UA Mall
Voter registration. Come get registered to vote before the November elections. Sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and Arizona Students’ Association, a voter registration table will be set up to help your voice be heard. 10 a.m. UA Mall
Blood drive. Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta, the United Blood Drive Bloodmobile will be stationed at the Cherry pullout at the UA Mall. Remember to bring photo identification and eat a hearty meal before you donate. 8 a.m. UA Mall
Free glaucoma screening. University Physicians Healthcare Eye Care Center is offering free glaucoma screenings. Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the U.S. and can be symptomless, but early detection can preserve sight. Screenings include glaucoma risk-factors evaluations, eye pressure and blood pressure measurements, visual acuity exams and peripheral vision checks. 1 p.m. Call 694-1460 to make an appointment. UPH Hospital at Kino Campus, UPH Eye Care Center, 2800 E. Ajo Way
Writing workshop. As part of a free series of workshops, Victoria Stefani of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will discuss “”Step by Step Through Your Master’s Thesis or Dissertation.”” 4 p.m., Modern Languages building, Room 410
Music. A KAMP Student Radio DJ will be out on the Mall spinning some music to accompany your lunch. Noon. UA Mall