What kind of last name is that?
It’s Serbian, and then, on top of that, it’s hyphenated.
So have you read all the Harry Potter books and watched all the movies?
Did you watch the Quidditch tournament on Saturday?
I saw it, I passed by it. It’s right behind my dorm.
Any interesting highlights?
I didn’t really get to see much of it. It was weird that they didn’t use brooms, though. They were just throwing balls at each other. … There wasn’t any flying.
How would you set up your own tournament?
I had a friend show me funny online clips, and they have it where you have to be holding a broom. So I feel that makes more sense, at least. It’s pretty much the point of Quidditch. Other than that, it was good.
But wouldn’t you just end up sweeping the ground as you’re running around?
Yeah, but it makes it harder.
(Friend: I feel like Quidditch is just ground sweeping.)
So if you wanted some kids to clean up a patio, you’d be like, “”It’s Quidditch time!””
(Laughs.) Yeah.
What position would you play?
Seeker, why not? It’s the coolest position.
What else would you want to see reenacted from the books?
Well, I don’t know how they do the whole thing with the seeker and the snitch. Do they chase someone around? I have a friend who is a huge Harry Potter fan, and he sent me an image of some East Coast schools that put on a legit Quidditch tournament. And they have some kid dressed in all gold with a sock hanging out in the back. So they have like…
Wait, why the sock?
So they don’t have to tackle the kid to catch him. They just grab the sock.
OK. That’s odd.
(Friend: I would tackle him. Hit him with a broom.)
When I hear that, what comes to mind is one of the James Bond movies that has a woman painted all in gold. I kind of see that for Quidditch.
I guess you could use gold paint. Or just real clothes would probably be easier.
It’d be like a gold lamé suit.
Yeah, American Apparel would probably have something that could work.
— Steven Kwan