“”In the summertime, because it gets so hot here, you could literally smell the tourists coming.””
-ÿSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid at opening ceremonies for the new $621 million U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Dec. 2, 2008
“”What sales push could possibly be worth the death of a shopworker and the miscarriage of a woman’s baby? What does it say about both humanity and the greed of retailers?””
– Danny Brown, author of the business-oriented blog dannybrown.me/, on the Wal-Mart Black Friday death, Nov. 29, 2008
“”I will not simply ask our nation’s governors to help implement our economic recovery plan. I will ask you to help design that plan. Because if we’re listening to our governors, we’ll not only be doing what’s right for our states, we’ll be doing what’s right for our country.””
-ÿPresident-elect Barack Obama,
Dec. 2, 2008
“”I hope I am not alone in finding the statements about Bombay from our politicians to be anemic and insipid, and the media coverage of the disastrous and criminal attack too parochially focused on the fate of visiting or resident Americans. India is emerging in many ways as our most important ally. It is a strong regional counterweight to Russia and China. Not to romanticize it overmuch, it is a huge and officially secular federal democracy that is based, like the United States, on ethnic and confessional pluralism. Its political and economic and literary echelons speak English better than most of us do. … It would be good to hear from the president and the president-elect that we regard attacks on the fabric and society of India with very particular seriousness, as assaults on a close friend that was battling al-Qaida long before we were.””
– Christopher Hitchens, “”Our Friends in Bombay,”” Slate.com,
Dec. 1, 2008
“”Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan (me) are NOT breaking up.””
-ÿLindsay Lohan, MySpace,
Dec. 2, 2008
“”I will give this assignment, your administration and our country my all.””
– Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, on accepting the nomination for secretary of state, Dec. 1, 2008
“”He repeated his desire to try and get our combat forces out within 16 months. But he also said that he wanted to have a responsible drawdown, and he also said that he was prepared to listen to his commanders. So I think that that’s exactly the position a president-elect should be in.””
– Defense Secretary Robert Gates on possible differences between himself and Obama, Dec. 2, 2008
“”For an institution of this quality, it would be unthinkable to declare financial emergency, financial exigence or anything that is tantamount to that.””
– UA President Robert Shelton,
Dec. 1, 2008