Memorial Service for late UA alum and associate director
There will be an on-campus memorial service for Kristopher Weatherly on Oct. 5 at 2 p.m. Kris Weatherly, who was associate director of the University Teaching Center at the UA, passed away over the summer after battling a leukemia-like cancer. A drive was held on campus last spring to find a bone marrow match for Kris.
The service will take place at the Little Chapel, which is located on the northwest corner of First Street and Highland Avenue. The service will be approximately an hour and will include some refreshments. Some of Kris’s favorite music, prayers and videos of Kris will be shared. There will be an opportunity to allow people to share a short story or memory of Kris. If you can provide a summary of your contribution beforehand, we’re putting together a file for Kris’s son John. Photos are also welcome.
If you would like to come to the service or contribute in the form of a letter, poem or memory you have of Kris, please call or email Mariel Watt at (520) 621-7788. or
Mariel Watt
Anthropology senior
Column doesn’t cover all Biblical messages
In response to your article, (“”Fearfully and wonderfully made”” Sept. 29, 2009) well written, but obviously you too do not understand. Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made according to God’s Word, not man’s. Going further, the Bible scriptures also say that God hates sin and homosexuality is a sin. To practice is an abomination before God. Thank God He is also merciful, longsuffering, LOVING and His grace is available for all. God Bless you and lead you into revelation understanding and knowledge.
Barbara Rodgers
Students disrespectful, cruel to handicapped woman
On Sept. 28, a woman was walking across the first street between Park and Tyndall apparently going to her car. She limped a little and it was apparent she had some type of handicap because one of her shoe soles was considerably thicker than the other.
She happened to trip and fall in the middle of the street and went down like a tree, scraping herself up. As she pulled herself up, a group of students standing by their car just stood there and watched, not bothering to help her or even ask if she was injured.
As she got into her car one of the students stood in the street pointing and laughing at the spot where she fell.
Well, that stumbling woman was me.
I’ve always had great respect for the UA students and have had many great times on campus during my nine years of taking classes and participating in ensembles. I guess that’s why this incident so took me by surprise. You, whoever you are, are a thoughtless, uncaring, disrespectful little boy. Your mother would be ashamed of you.
Peggy Chamberlain
Monday’s chalk citation damaging to student and to free speech as a whole
Hitting a baseball thrown by my neighbor with a bat is not probable cause for my having hit my neighbor with a bat.
Writing in my lab notebook is not probable cause for my having written on the artwork in the Center for Creative Photography.
Driving my car on the street is not probable cause for my having driven it on the sidewalk.
Sending an e-mail to my brother is not probable cause for my having wired money to Osama bin Laden.
Writing with chalk on the sidewalk is not probable cause for my having written with chalk on a building.
Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1602, which establishes criminal damage as a statutory offense, is very explicit about what that act is: “”Drawing or inscribing a message, slogan, sign or symbol that is made on any public or private building, structure or surface, except the ground (emphasis mine), and that is made without permission of the owner.””
The citation of sidewalk chalker Evan Lisull for violating this statute, with its clear exception for writing on the ground, is an infringement of free speech, and the dismissal of the charges should not be treated as a reprieve or amnesty: no reasonable person would believe that Lisull committed a crime.
The arresting officers showed contempt for rule of law per se and for the “”probable cause”” standard governing the power to arrest, established by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The explicit exemption of Lisull’s conduct in the statute makes it highly unlikely that the officers were even acting in good faith. They should be fired at once, and the university should consider itself fortunate if Lisull does not sue for damages.
Bennett Kalafut
Physics graduate student