Where’s the best nap spot on campus?
David W. Mariotte: My dorm room. Having a place I can go to nap comfortably is great.
Maura Higgs: Study rooms at the library. It’s relatively normal and non-embarrassing to sleep in them.
Eric Klump: Have you seen the couches in the reading room of the Louise F. Marshall building?
Should the U.S. get involved in Ukraine?
DM: If we can do it without starting a war or acting like neo-colonialists, sure. Too bad that’ll never happen.
MH: When does it ever go well when we get involved with anything?
EK: No, at least not without other nations going in as well. The U.S. need to be less gung-ho.
Which Oscar-nominated actor/actress would make the best Wilbur or Wilma in a movie about the UA?
DM: Christian Bale should be Wilbur. We already know he can do a Batman voice; it only makes sense that he can do a Wildcat growl.
MH: Leonardo DiCaprio; maybe he could finally win an Oscar for it. And Kate Winslet as Wilma. It could be the next “Titanic.”
EK: Bobcat Goldthwait and Cat Stevens would be my top choices. I know they haven’t ever been nominated, but you can’t beat that pairing.
Can actors make valid activists?
DM: They definitely can. My grandpa had Alzheimer’s disease and watching Seth Rogen testify in the Senate brought tears to my eyes.
MH: I think they can only because they can bring attention to issues that aren’t thought of otherwise.
EK: An actor can be an activist; they just need to care genuinely about a subject, or at least be able to act like they do.