The Energizer Bunny was ranked fifth on Advertising Age magazine’s list of “”Top 10 Advertising Icons of the Century.””
Flight attendants were once required to be licensed nurses so they could assist passengers who were sick and frightened.
Research has shown that blondes have more strands of hair than any other hair type. Brown-haired people have second most, followed by those with black hair and finally those with red hair.
When it’s cold outside, your facial muscles quickly flex to create heat, thus causing your teeth to chatter.
Maxwell House is a hotel in Nashville, Tenn., that served a special blend of coffee so popular in 1886 that it led to the product we know today.
Americans eat 150 million hot dogs every year on the Fourth of July.
The Japanese word banzai is a blessing meaning “”may you live 10,000 years.””
In 1966, the Toyota Corolla was introduced. Today, it is the best-selling automobile model in history.
Dichromatism, red-green colorblindness, is seven times more frequent in men than in women.
Russia has three times as much forest land as the United States.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a contestant on “”The New Dating Game”” in 1973.
A Gibson is the same drink as a Martini, except a Gibson contains an onion instead of an olive.
The movie “”October Sky”” was based on Homer Hickham’s book “”Rocket Boy.””
“”Gone with the Wind”” won the Best Picture Oscar in 1939 and was the only color film to do so until 1950.
The anti-itch cream Noxzema was supposed to be a cream for sunburns, but a customer wrote the company and said the cream “”knocked out (his) eczema.””
If Queen Elizabeth II is still queen in 2015, she will have unseated Queen Victoria as the longest-reigning monarch in British history.
A cow’s udder needs 350 squeezes to produce a gallon of milk.