The Wildcat accosted undecided freshman Pauline Carpentier after an unsuccessful attempt at interviewing that guy who sits in the van with the traffic cones on East University Boulevard.
Wildcat: OK, you’re on the spot. What’s your favorite sandwich?
Carpentier: Oh no, I like
all sandwiches.
W: That’s not a good answer.
C: Maybe like turkey or
chicken salad?
W: But what would you put on the turkey?
C: I love every type of
veggie, everything.
W: What about squash?
C: Squash might be good.
W: On a sandwich?
C: I don’t know, I’ve never tried it.
W: Sounds kind of gross. If you could make a sandwich out of a human body part, what would it be? You wouldn’t have to eat it, you could just look at it or paint it or smell it.
C: A boob?
W: Is that a little bit sexist though? I think a man would kind of object. Have you seen “”Two Girls One Cup?””
C: No.
W: Pretty gross, huh? Have you seen “”Two Girls One McRib””? That’s even worse. Talk about disgusting sandwiches.
C: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
W: Seriously? Everyone denies it. If you could live in a tree, what kind of tree would it be?
C: A palm tree.
W: Why?
C: Because they have coconuts and I love coconuts.
W: These palm trees don’t have coconuts.
C: Well maybe like an elm tree, or the tree
in Pocahontas.
W: What kind of tree is that?
C: It’s a talking tree, and the leaves kind of go down and…
W: But what if it got pissed off at you for climbing all over it, if it’s a talking tree?
C: Well, I’d make sure if it was okay with it and we’d be friends.
W: But what if it wasn’t okay with it and then you’d have no tree to live in?
C: Then I’d go find another tree.
W: It’s a world of tree democracy. You know, equal rights. What kind of bumper sticker pisses you off or annoys you?
C: I don’t really pay attention to bumper stickers that much.
W: What about those ones that are like, “”My kid beat up your honor student””?
C: Uh, well I saw one that said, “”My dog is better than your honor student”” and that was a great one.
W: Yeah, I like dogs better than people anyway.
ð – interview by Andi Berlin