Editor’s note: TGIF, readers. After reading what we have to say all week, enjoy this heaping helping of what you have to say. We welcome your thoughts, disagreements and love letters at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.
Counter to editorial: Gun laws a complex issue
Many months ago, I wrote an opinion that disparaged the movement to allow guns on campus. I can’t recall if the movement was for concealed carry license holders or the general public. A few weeks ago, I reread my statement and had a “”what was I thinking”” moment. I’ve had a slight enlightenment since then, after hanging out with a gun owner and lurking on some pro-gun blogs. It’s ill-informed to consider concealed carry license holders as arbitrary gun owners. They are quite the opposite: very sane, calm and law-abiding. A concealed carry license requires an eight-hour course taught by an authorized instructor. Obtaining a license also requires a background check with, or a variant of, seven different agencies whose specialty is the ‘background check.’ The requirements are listed on the Arizona Department of Public Safety’s website, whichdrives the point that concealed carry licenses are not given loosely.
Contrary to your statements, it’s difficult to believe a concealed carry-licensed professor would divulge that they keep a gun with them or that they would keep it in obvious view, out of a safety box or leave it overnight. Your concern for accidental discharge of a firearm can be soothed since most, if not all, firearms have well-funded and patented mechanisms to prevent discharge. Licensed persons are more familiar with the specifics than I am. License holders do compliment themselves with various training and experience that expand over years and decades?not with a single safety course. I have found anecdotes and practices of quelling an aggravated situation without the gun before producing one.
Last, I have found posts and anecdotes by police officers and security guards which say that they recommend carrying a gun because they are not omnipotent and it takes minutes to arrive. One story of mine is that the police took 20 minutes to show up when I called in a domestic disturbance. This should not reflect on their ability but of reality. It’s too na ï ve to say that police are readily available.
I’d like to leave a final thought that I can claim as my own rather than influence from either side: there are a lot of assumptions in the editorial and my letter. There are a lot of assumptions made on the anti-gun side and the pro-gun side. And that is an iceberg of a fundamental trust issue. I do not like the fear-mongering behind “”guns are evil”” or the fear-mongering behind “”present criminals are after you.”” The UA Police Department’s crime statistics list higher incidences of crime against property (auto and bike theft, criminal damage and burglary) than against persons (murder, rape, robbery and assault). And even these are circumstantial. I’m a lowly sucker for statistics at this point, and they probably don’t support gun saturation. But I understand how some people feel that once is enough since a friend of mine was robbed at his birthday party. An uzi was in his face.
Knut Norstog
non-degree seeking
graduate student
Reader disagrees with political cartoon
In regards to the cartoon about Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox News, Jan. 13
I’m appalled. Once again the Liberal media shows its real colors. Does Sarah Palin really scare you people so much that you have to attack her at every chance you can? She’s smart, conservative, beautiful, articulate and very frightening to the Liberal left. Boo, Sarah Palin is coming for you!
I’m sure she’s a better shot than anyone on your staff. Boo, Sarah’s coming!
Rick Corral
conservative thinker
Arizona should lead amendment movement
There is no time better than now to codify in writing the Equal Rights of Women. We have more interaction with countries and cultures that do not offer common simple respect for women, let alone protections under the law. The time has come for our nation to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment — before we have a world that is financially controlled by cultures that give no rights to women. Arizona needs to be a leader in making this happen.
Yvonne Johnson
Parking and Transportation will not raise fees for next year
In the coming academic year, the UA will face many financial challenges. To help alleviate some of the financial burdens shouldered by our students, faculty and staff, Parking and Transportation Services will delay the planned increase in parking permit fees for next academic year (2010-2011). Therefore, no increase in parking permit costs will occur during the next academic year for parking at the main campus.
Delaying the parking permit fee increase does not mean that the planned increase was not necessary. An increase will still be required at some point in the future to sustain our parking and transportation programs. A sustainable campus environment is our goal; we do not want to minimize the target of decreasing the number of single occupant vehicles coming to campus. We accomplish this through managing our parking fee structure and by funding a wide variety of alternate transportation programs. To continue to move forward with a sustainable campus, parking fees must increased at a future date.
The loss of additional revenue expected from the fee increase may result in some of the alternative transportation measures not occurring as soon as planned. For example, a substantial increase in the subsidy for the Sun Tran bus passes will not occur next year. Additionally, the purchase of larger Cat Tran vehicles and the expansion of the Park-N-Ride program will be delayed. While the enhancement of programs may not occur, we will not see a decrease in any of our present programs or a diminishment of customer service provided by Parking and Transportation Services.
As an auxiliary, Parking and Transportation Services receives no state funding. We are reliant upon parking fees to maintain and enhance our operations and programs. Please direct any questions or comments to PTS at parking@email.arizona.edu or 621-3550.
David Heineking
director, Parking and Transportation Service