“”Final Phase: Photographs By Chris Dunker.”” These large-scale images question humanity’s impact on the Earth. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Union Gallery, Student Union Memorial Center
UA Fall Career Day. Come check out the UA’s largest career fair of the year. All students welcome. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. SUMC, third floor
No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em tournament. Come play the popular card game in this weekly tournament. Prizes awarded. Wilbur’s Underground, SUMC, bottom floor
Send your secrets. Send in a postcard-size secret to be displayed in November during the UA’s version of the Post Secret Exhibit. Drop secrets in boxes all around campus.
“”Big Miniatures.”” Enjoy conceptual art on campus, including works by Ç_zlem Ç_zgǬr Silverstein. 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Kachina Gallery, SUMC
“”Robin Hood: Men in Tights.”” Enjoy a free screening of Mel Brooks’s movie spoof. 7:30 p.m. Gallagher Theater
Interested in running an event in the DateBook? Send any questions, comments, or submissions to campus@wildcat.arizona.edu. All DateBook submissions must be received prior to 6 p.m. two days prior to the intended date of publication (e.g., A submission intended for Wednesday must be in Monday by 6 p.m.). The Arizona Daily Wildcat reserves the right to edit any submissions to the DateBook for clarity.