Spring break is over, what are your thoughts?
That sucks for you guys, but I actually don’t go here and am on my break now. I am visiting my boyfriend for the week.
Derrick Williams?
I wish! No, my boyfriend lives in Coronado (Residence Hall).
How do you feel about UA?
I go to school in Florida and it gets pretty wild there. I don’t know what Arizona has to offer since this weekend was pretty dead in the dorms.
So you are saying your school may be better than UA?
I mean, it’s possible.
Wow, you are going to get nowhere on this campus with that attitude …
(Laughs) But I love Arizona, go ‘Cats. Basketball is killing it.
Anyways, aside from wishing you went here, what did you wish for on your last birthday?
It was in October, so I probably wished that I would get a lot of Halloween candy.
Well, like rave candy.
Oh right, best rave song?
“”Dancing in the Dark”” by Dev. I can move my body to this song all night long.