There are more sweat glands on the soles of your feet than any other part of your body.
African elephants stay on their feet for 30 or 40 years. It’s no wonder they suffer from flat feet.
After a decade of research, the Goodyear Rubber Company concluded that shoes wear out faster on the right foot than on the left.
In one day, the average person takes about 18,000 steps. In an average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of almost three times around the world.
A hummingbird can’t stand on its own two feet. They’re not strong enough to hold up the bird on a flat surface.
Feet swell during the day and can become as much as 5 to 10 percent bigger at the end of the day than they were in the morning.
It is a misdemeanor to kill or threaten a butterfly in Pacific Grove, Calif., according to City Ordinance No. 352.
Folding money, invented by the Chinese, was first made of deerskin.
The left bank of a river is the left side as one looks downstream.
The heaviest snowfall in the United States was in 1921, when 76 inches fell on the town of Silver Lake, Colo.
A Chinese checkerboard has 121 holes.
A secretary’s left hand does 56 percent of the typing.
A female African elephant can be pregnant for almost two years.