In response to “Country music definitely isn’t what it used to be” (by K.C. Libman, Nov. 5):
“Country is now simply pop music wearing a cowboy hat – and that isn’t a bad thing.”
Anyone…ANYONE that would make a comment like that has absolutely no love of country music and what it represents. The integrity of it is being lost and with the over-saturation of Ms. Swift, it’s all but dying.
The country music of just 7 years ago is dead. Even Ms. Swift’s music, which started out well enough, has become blatantly pop. There are different genres for a reason. To begin diluting (or should I say polluting) one in order to “push” more music sales is dangerous. Soon, there will be no country music airways, except those that play the “oldies.”
Country music will have become a dinosaur if left up to the likes of Taylor Swift and the money hungry record labels. She and her ilk have no connection or love of country music … never have. The country music industry was simply a stepping stone for her and her label. Now that they’ve bought their way out, they simply don’t care any longer. Country music is simply a distant memory. Swift no more cares for the integrity of the genre she professes to love than “LIBMAN” does.
I wish Swift would start recording rap. It would tickle me to see that genre’s reaction. Taylor is no more than a poser who sells her wares to the highest bidder. I could tell you what that makes her by definition … but she seems to be a sweet person, so I’ll refrain.
— Randy
In response to readers’ representative Bethany Barnes’ question: Do you want to see national and world news in the print edition of the Daily Wildcat?
I would love to see national and world news in print.
—Jeremy Mowery
I want to see more world news!!!
— Lucas Suarez Field
You should definitely do national and world news. I guess just so all the important news is available to read in one paper. I would probably read the wildcat more often if it wasn’t just random topics from around campus.
— David Archuleta
I usually don’t. When I wake up I check the Daily Star and The New York Times for state, national and world news. When I get to the university I usually read what’s happening on-campus or local news.
— Gabriela Cristina Diaz
Hyperlocal is your core competency. Leave the other stuff to the pros.
— Dan Sfera
Pass: Keep doing campus and local stuff. Don’t worry about haters. Your paper gives j-school students and graphic designers good experience. I like the new paper layout btw.
— Victor F. Mercado