• The red bumps on a turkey’s head are called “”caruncles.””
• One of the reasons marijuana is illegal today because cotton growers in the ‘30s lobbied against hemp farmers — they saw it as competition.
• The IRS would need at least 15 3/4 miles of shelves to store the tax forms they receive each year.
• If a cow has twins, a bull and a heifer, the heifer will never be able to reproduce.
• It takes a fall of about eight building stories to kill a cat. A fall of three stories will typically break their jaw (due to a floating collar bone), but it takes a fall of five or six stories to break a leg.
• Pepsi was originally named Brad’s Drink, and Kool-Aid originally went by Fruit Smack Flavored Syrup.
• The largest stained-glass window in the world is at Kennedy International Airport in New York City. It can be seen on the American Airlines terminal building and measures 300 feet long by 23 feet high.
• A building in Belgium was taxed if there was a street light on it … unless a statue of the Virgin Mary were place above it. Hence, there are no buildings in the city without a statue of the Virgin Mary.