May 11, 1945
Formation of a new fraternity on the campus was announced this week by Pete Tufts, president of the newly organized Kappa Psi. Kappa Psi has been organized as a temporary local until it is accepted into Phi Kappa Psi, a national fraternity with 57 chapters from coast to coast.
The officers of the local are Tufts; Paul Neuenschwander, vice-president; Jack Glidewell, treasurer; Bob Robnas, secretary. The first organizational meeting was held a month ago. The fraternity has now been recognized as a campus organization by the university.
Tufts and Glidewell are members of Kappa Psi at the present, having transferred from Columbia and Wittenberg respectively. Although there are no members among the faculty, a number of Kappa Psi alumni are in Tucson and have given considerable help in forming the local, Tufts said.