Cowboy star Tom Mix had tires made with his initials imprinted on them so that when he drove down dirt roads he would leave a trail of “”TMs.””
When snow skiing, most men fall on their faces. Most women fall on their behinds.
George Washington’s second inaugural address was the shortest, at just 135 words.
Toto the dog was paid $125 a week for his work in “”The Wizard of Oz.””
Most Americans say that if they had to resort to cannibalism, “”they’d eat the legs first.””
91 is the average number of industrial compounds and pollutants found in an American’s blood and urine.
Francophobia is the fear of France.
Bob Hope and Billy Joel were once boxers.
The average American spends six months waiting at red lights and five years stuck in traffic.
Like fingerprints, each of us has an odor that is unique. One result is that much of the thrill of kissing comes from smelling the unique odors of another’s face.
The footprints on the moon will last forever – or until a meteor hits them.
The first president to shake hands in greeting was Thomas Jefferson. Earlier presidents bowed.
In Yukon, Oklahoma, it’s illegal for patients to pull their dentist’s teeth.