We found Marlee Foulks, a sophomore majoring in speech and hearing, next to the First United Methodist Church, 915 E. Fourth St.
Wildcat: Alright you’re on the spot. What’s your favorite song?
Foulks: I don’t really have a favorite song, because I listen to so many different types of music.
W: Do you have a favorite album?
F: Not really, just mostly artists. I usually think that an artist’s albums, some are better than others.
W: Do you have a favorite band?
F: I really like Bloc Party. Their first album, Silent Alarm. I listen to them sometimes. I just listen to a bunch of different songs from one person.
W: Singer-songwriters?
F: BjÇôrk.
W: Oh yeah, me too. What are your top three favorite track twos in an album?
F: I can’t even remember, let’s see. I can’t even think of any albums right now.
W: What’s your top climax in a rock song?
F: It’s one by Bloc Party. I forget the name of the song, but it’s number 13 (“”Plans””). There’s just this peak at the end that’s just amazing. It’s hard to explain, but it’s pivotal for me.
W: What’s your favorite band before 1932?
F: I like all bands before 1932.
W: What’s your favorite band between 1980 and 1985?
F: Um, what’s an ’80s band? Blue Ç_yster Cult.
W: I think my dad listens to them.
F: I know a couple songs.
W: What music do you listen to before you go to bed?
F: Everything. My iTunes library has every type of genre you can think of.
W: Anything but country?
F: No. I just put it on shuffle.
W: What music do you listen to taking a shower?
F: I sing to myself taking a shower.
W: What music do you listen to skinning a hog?
F: Country.
W: What music do you listen to climbing a tree?
F: “”I come from a land down under.””
W: What music do you listen to while going to the bathroom?
F: Opera.
W: What’s your favorite type of silence? A sitting silence, a tepid silence, a contemplative silence…
F: A daydream silence.
– Andi Berlin