Holiday stress talk
Stressed about the holidays? David Swihart, a coordinator of employee assistance, will discuss how to make this holiday season more positive than past years. The lecture will be at noon in the Copper Room of the Student Union Memorial Center.
Squeeze your butt to prevent fainting
Tensing muscles in the legs, abdomen and butt can prevent vasovagal syncope, a type of fainting triggered by a drop in blood pressure, according to a study in the Journal of American College of Cardiology. Gripping both hands is also an effective “”counterpressure strategy”” that can raise the blood pressure and help patients avoid passing out.
Drug research and discovery lecture
Part of the Visiting Distinguished Lecturer Series, Dr. Steven Paul will speak at 10 a.m. in the DuVal Auditorium of the University Medical Center about the factors that have contributed to declining research and development productivity and how improving research and development productivity can be achieved.