UA basketball players answer the question “”Got Ink?”” with a resounding yes. While Marcus Williams, Jordan Hill and Daniel Dillon show off theirs, Kirk Walters has yet to get one.
Marcus Williams
- First one I got was a few years agoð – the one on my left arm.
- I just felt like I wanted something on me – something that I live by. It says “”In God’s hands.”” That’s how I kind of look at my life and any events that happen (right shoulder).
- Nickname on the back of arms. It says “”M Will.””
- Left forearm, it says “”If you don’t do anything big in your life, no one will remember your name.”” (not pictured)
- It’s not anything like you need be a celebrity, it’s just be remembered how you want to remembered in life, whether it’s a good (person) or an all star basketball player or whatever it is. (not pictured)
- The nickname on the right arm says “”Smooth.””
- On the left shoulder: “”Any Questions,”” a guy holding a microphone and a basketball rim and stepping on a basketball.
Jordan Hill
- I got one my freshman year in high school. Just wanted to have a little fun, it’s something about my family.
- My mom passed when I was 3, so I got “”in love and memory””, the year she was born and when she died, a basketball and a banner with her name in it, Carol.
Daniel Dillon
- I had one that I drew up one my own in like 7th or 8th grade that I’ve wanted to get for a while. It was a hand coming out of the cloud with a basketball, it’s on my back.
Kirk Walters
-as told to Roman Veysman